
Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Yet more obscenity!

A few weeks ago one of these fetched £12 

This one went for £23

The Meargh below went for a staggering £77... I mean, really? Who has that to spend on a bit of lead?

Awh, my favourite Fimm popped up again. Sadly went for £30, outside my price range.

Seriously... I know these are cool models, and I know Games Workshop's prices for new stuff are ridiculous but is it really worth it? They're just lead toy soldiers. That's an awful lot for one model! Especially nearly £80... that's a month's shopping for some of us!

Saturday, 17 September 2011

And some more....

A few more Fimm rise to the surface of the bay... sadly none I can afford at the moment, who are the lucky bidders? :)

Can't get over this one... £21! That's almost £1 a millimetre! Crazy as....