Luxetia herself is a Foundry Revenant Elf that I picked up at BOYL. I love this range and would have a lot more of them if they weren't, um, rather expensive! Anyhow, she paints up well. This was the mini I didn't want to hack up for last month's random champion since I had an idea how I wanted her to look and chose the model accordingly.
She also has an elite bodyguard of beastmen. For this little unit I picked out all the 'random' animal beastmen in my collection- two pigs, a fox (or more likely intended as a wolf) and a sea horse. The idea being that they are victims of her magical experiments. Were they originally human or originally animal? Only Luxetia (and possibly the unfortunate victim) knows. The fox man is Citadel, the piggy dude on the left is a random Akheton miniature (I think intended as a pig-faced orc?) and the other two are from Knightmare Miniatures' first Pantheon of Chaos KS. I have to say I'm not generally a fan of the range and had difficulty picking figures to fill out my pledge having gone in for the one model based on the Tony Ackland nurgle champion from The Lost And The Damned, but I think these painted up nicely.
Now to the dragon ogres... "Dragon OgreS? I thought there was only one" you cry. Well, yes. I did roll one dragon ogre. But see a couple of years back I was commissioned to sculpt a dragon ogre to complement the Nick Bibby original and provide the other poses seen in the Tony Ackland drawing from the book.
So you see, having had a couple of these sat alongside the Bibby sculpt in my cabinet for some time I couldn't only do one of them could I? They needed to be painted up as a trio. And, of course, it gets me ahead for those months where I struggle to find the time...
Onwards to January!