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Thursday 13 April 2017

Almost there by Easter

Well, the final 3 orcs and single goblin are on my desk, another 3 hours would see them done and all the Goblinoids deck painted (bar shields). However, in an hour's time I have to pick up my sister from the airport and then we're off on a family holiday until Monday. Rather than rush these last miniatures (which, after all, includes our two custom warlords!) I will stop here and photos of the final models will probably appear around Tuesday. In the meantime, here are some more miniatures that got painted this week:

These guys got started with a bit of beach painting in the glorious sunshine last weekend, but I didn't get much beyond base coats there are the paint was drying far too fast! Managed to get away without sand on the models but some of the card sleeves I'm using to protect the cards from paint splashes got a healthy dose of grit in them!

And, because I'm sure you're keen to see how Ulg and Grubod were looking yesterday afternoon...




  1. What ho Fimm. If they are available I would like to buy a heap of your Woods figures. The guys from your kickstarter, Woldlouses, plus others. Can you get back to me via the message I sent to your website (or comment on one of my sleepy blogs). I'm not on FB to preserve my sanity.I can even collect figures from you to save you packing them! All the best Mike

    1. Hi Mike. I'd be very happy to help out. Have you tried going via I've not received an email from you through the site that I can see. Otherwise you can reach me at

    2. Glad sent! Many thanks.


Fimm McCool's

Fimm McCool's