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Wednesday, 7 January 2015

A long awaited video.... Fimm's Gaming Boat!

Well that's an odd screen shot.... it's actually a bag of Marsh Demon greens, but you'd never guess!
Last year I swapped a shared terraced house for a narrowboat, and jettisoned a fair amount of stuff in the process. What DIDN'T go were the games, obviously, and many people have been asking how I find room for them all on the boat. Well, finally, here's a video explaining how:



1 comment:

  1. I am impressed, Mr. McCool. I had no idea your very impressive work was being performed on an equally impressive narrowboat. I think if I were to move onto a boat I'd want one with just a touch more freeboard so that I could venture out into blue water, but a narrowboat would probably be much more practical. (As I am nearly dead in the middle of a modestly sized continent.) Most impressed, sir. Most impressed.


Fimm McCool's

Fimm McCool's