Hi everyone
Well hobby things are taking a bit of a back seat compared to hobby business things right now, which is kinda normal. Hoping that I'll get some more painting in next month and also get around to photographing the stuff I painted during a break over Easter that I haven't yet put here.
In the meantime I do seem to be managing to put aside time to keep the YouTube channel up and that's probably the hobbiest content I am getting around to at present. Seems to be going down quite well too. If you didn't know I had a Vlog (that's the word, right?) I do and you can find it here:
Some of it is related to Oakbound rules, background etc. but I am also trying to feature more general content such as sculpting tips, my painting progress, armies, favourite manufacturers, current games I'm playing etc. Check it out, you might like it. :)
All the best