And so, the time had come. Time to get my recreation of the 3rd ed rulebook table (built by Wayne 'the Duke' Millard) out for a big game. A confrontation between the forces of Kemler (ensconced in La Maisontaal following his success in the scenario Vengeance of the Lichemaster from the Citadel Journal) and an army from Talabecland seeking to reclaim the abbey for their patron deity.

For many months after the sack of La Maisontaal by Heinrich
Kemler no word of the deed escaped to the north of the Grey Mountains. As the
Lichemaster began to grow his undead hordes by raiding highland villages the
rumours began to spread of a terror in the hills.
Witch Hunter Ivan Hellspring was returning from a pilgrimage
into Bretonnia when he heard of the disappearance of Duke Tancred and his
entourage. Tracing their likely route and finding the wrecked homesteads along
the way, he eventually came to the ruins of La Maisontaal and beheld from a
distance the horror squatting there. The Witch Hunter galloped rapidly to
Talabheim to confer with his peers, hoping to raise an army from Talabecland
that would care enough for the fate of the monastery to rid their patron god’s
shrine of the necromantic heresy.
This is the army that has marched to La Maisontaal to
confront Kemler in a grand battle before the abbey gates.
Deployment. A straight fight between the Empire and Undeath. All the possible extras had been negated by the outcome of the previous day's games so this was a case of army lists as written, go!
Imperial Centaurs march down the Empire right flank. Wait, exclaim the Undead generals, is that a unicorn? Why yes, it is. Nasty for Undeaders that can be...
A view from the picturesque hamlet of Smallsbury.
Battle lines drawn up, with the dead monks of La Maisontaal defending their home, the ex-Bretonnians of Duke Tancred occupying the middle ground and Kemler with his Frugelhofen campaign troops down the far end.
Who puts catapults behind the only massive trees on the table?
The dead villagers of Frugelhofen don't want no livin's in their new abode thank 'ee kindly.
Such concentration from the Empire players... Tactics or just a pretty heavy drinking session the night before?
The Estalian Inquisition, a troupe of witch hunters and a swarm of angry peasants ready to march on the abbey, pitchforks and torches in hand.
As the core of the skeletons shamble forwards the sole artillery of the Empire line tears them to pieces.
Hand cannon and crossbows overcome their nerves to further decimate the advancing skeletons, providing extra reinforcements for a bit of necromancy later on.
Thumped by Screaming Skulls, the great cannon start to wilt. The undead knights successfully charge and rout the Imperial archers, over-running into the nearest cannon crew and ending up perilously close to the pistoliers.
Below La Maisontaal the red paladins of the Estalian Inquisition, lead by Cardinal Kum Fitcher, attempt to send the ex-monks back to their graves.
The breach is held.
Deciding to keep well away from the unicorn, Kemler and his cronies charge across the river to join the fight in the centre of the table. Ranlac the Black, riding his chariot beside the Lichemaster, has a whole bunch of his master's Magic Points enshrined within his banner.
Left without his Centaur escort, the general on his unicorn scouts for a suitable target.
And espies the dead dwarves of Gimbrin's Mine.
The fight at the abbey is fierce. Bagrian slays the cardinal but he and his unit are destroyed by the red paladins. The witch hunters advance towards the breach in the wall. The peasant mob stops two skeletal chariots in their tracks before the missile troops can be mown down.
The Krellingtons block the road out of the village.
Combat is joined in the middle of the field as Empire troops lock spears with the bony masses.
Two fresh units of skeleton warriors and one of skeletal cavalry are summoned forth to fight again.
The angry mob storms the abbey.
The witch hunter commander slays the resident Wraith and reclaims the holy site for the Empire. Will he allow its rededication to Taal or insist on a shrine to Sigmar?
The Empire line begins to crumble as units break and flee.

Halberdiers hold the bridge, denying the left flank to the undead.
Bad light, hangovers and long trips home called an end to proceedings. La Maisontaal had been retaken, cleansed of the abomination. Kemler and his lieutenants had lost plenty of troops but lived to fight another day, fleeing once more into the wilderness. There would be some sheepish faces around the Empire camp fires that night (and a strong smell of drying urine) as explanations for cowardice were given. The an emissary would be sent out to find the reason the dwarfs had failed to give their support...

The Reign of the Lichemaster, games day 2- La Maisontaal!