Heldenhofen is my long-running 'Fantasy Medieval Town' project. I have boxes of furniture, architectural features, bits of half-finished buildings and have accumulated more civilians than I can shake a stick at which I am slowly plodding through. So whilst this month's submission for the Odds and Sods challenge isn't exactly army-related it is part of an unfinished project, so that counts, right?
These are a bunch of would-be heroes currently passing through Heldenhofen en route to make their names (and fortunes) in the wilderness beyond. But before that there's time for one last comfortable drink at the inn, or perhaps two. Maybe even three...
Nicky Turnip blackened his name attempting to rob coaches on a busy stretch of road back in the empire. When he tried to hold up a hay cart in order to feed his flagging donkey the farmer recognised the young halfling tearaway immediately and Nicky was forced to flee somewhere his imagined infamy would not pursue him. He currently considers himself something of a swashbuckler.

Jacamo Passerova is a flamboyant mercenary and popular bodyguard for the ladies of the town. He is famed for the size of his sword and prowess in handling it. Secretly Jacamo is collecting dirt on as many rich and famous (or would-be rich and famous) individuals as possible so he can write his memoirs and retire on the sales.
Verbena of the sands has come to the soggy wastes of Heldenhofen from the baking south. Casting an air of mystique about her she claims to be searching for the companion-stone to the Tiger's Eye jewel set into her shield boss, a family heirloom stolen by an evil vizier. In truth she is seeking a bit of solitude and the chance to make her name, it's hard to find peace and distinction when you are one of 1001 Arabyan Knights.
Grubby Henry has a strict moral code, it's just that nobody knows what it is. It certainly isn't whatever the law of the particular province he happens to be in is. Mostly it seems to consist of 'possession is 9/10ths of the law' with the 10th 10th being 'all possessions are mine'. He is never one to elaborate or discourse at length on any subject, trusting in his large boomstick to make statements for him when required.
Cosmo Starling never takes camouflage too seriously. 'Best to be seen being daring' is his motto. A somewhat accomplished archer and swordsman he is currently trying to recruit a band of merry followers. Not to go fighting monsters but to relieve returning adventurers of some of their ill-gotten coin as they return to the town.
Lynne Ville, on the other hand, takes her stealth and secrecy much more seriously. And also believes you don't have to leave town at all to make your fortune, you just have to not get caught.
Bonnie of Tilea is the eldest daughter of a prominent duke, determined to prove she has every bit as much right to inherit her father's seat as does her young and irritating brother. The gold-plated ancestral armour certainly marks her out among the grimy streets of Heldenhofen, for good or for ill. She will have to prove she knows how wield that sword if she intends to keep it.
Lady Fuskia Sie may also be in above her head very soon. Fixated by tales of adventure and derring-do she has decided that the life of a swashbuckler is exactly what she wants. And what she wants, she gets. Having made it this far with wealth she will have to rely on her courage and determination to press onward.
The Pale Paladin is the sole survivor of a holy order wiped out by plague. She rarely speaks and acknowledges no other name than the title her companions on the ship gave her. Rumours say she didn't actually survive the plague herself, but continues to walk the land her body a vessel for all the dead paladins and her power equal to all their combined strength.
Anni the Blue Fox hails from the frozen north. Eager to forget whatever experience drove her all this way she is enthusiastic at the prospect of slaying monsters in the wilds beyond the walls.
Georg of the Rose is a seasoned fighter who has lead armies, slain dragons and faced terrible sorceries. He is retiring to Heldenhofen for a quiet life where he can maintain his honour (and income) training young adventurers without actually putting his life on the line any more.

Heroes of Heldenhofen