Another month, another RoC warband as rolled on YouTube! This is going to be the final random-rolled warband, from here on in I'll be pointing up from the army list based on models I have to hand. These fine fellows are the retinue of Chezatro, son of Vitolio and brother to Luxetia. Chezatro's merry band are in charge of maintaining the borders of the city state and do so with great vigour, bringing back with them spoils from those they have seen off. In this case they have a few captives in their ranks which they are forcing to do a bit of fighting alongside the state troops.
I have had these RAFM Regiments of Blood miniatures for a while, unsure of what to do with them. I think they're meant to be vampire troops, but I had half an idea of using them as dark elves. I knew I wanted to use the Kaleb Daark model as Chezatro so these skull-armoured dudes with their pointy shoulders made a suitable accompaniment for him. For rules purposes they are Chaos Thugs.
I put my small handful of 'more modern' witch elves into the unit too, figuring their pointy shoulders fitted in fine. These ladies are the handlers of the captive beasts driven to fight in the front rank.
I still need to work on leopard print, not quite there yet.
This is a Krakon Games not-Fimir 'Wanderer' that I have needed to paint up for some time. I decided to go slightly differently skin-toned compared to the rest of my Fimir as he won't be joining them for battle. Slaanesh+Fimir=something very predictable so I decided not to go down that road. Instead I figure this chappie now acts as an advisor to Chezatro, putting his knowledge of terrain to good use in planning ambushes and battles. He may wear chains still but I doubt he's running anywhere, his handler has a grizzly reminder of the last of his kind who refused their hospitality.
The orcs are a little more recalcitrant but their handlers know how to yank their chains. I still have to do the banner on this dude- the remnant of his tribe's banner now daubed with cult victory symbols.
These Ral Partha Europe (ex Heartbreaker?) orcs were really fast to paint. Mostly washes over a zenithal undercoat and inks on silver armour. I should definitely have done my orc army that way, they'd have been so much quicker to finish!