Here's March's offering for the 333 3rd Ed challenge.
Actually 450pts (Chaos Warriors are EX-PEN-SIVE, but worth every point!) plus a 'free' non-challenge sorcerer. This is more the number of models I was expecting per month for a Chaos army! It's also the reason for choosing Chaos for the challenge in the first place as these beautiful models have been sat unpainted on shelves for far too long. If you're following the video series on rolling/picking the army these are featured in the final part which you can find HERE.
That 'free' sorcerer. I don't have the points (or bravado) to take it in the army but didn't want it to be left out. Maybe it's just a cultist hanger-on carrying a sword for their master.
There's a Nurgly interloper in the ranks... At the time I was collecting these I was just going for the models I liked best. The fact that most of them ended up being the Slaaneshi champions is just one of those things. Anyway, I don't think he looks too out of place. Especially next to Mr Boney here. Who knows what strange kinks these warriors have?
And here's the trio of spread-body midriff champions! I was thinking of painting each warrior up separately to make them look like a randomly thrown-together bunch of individuals but decided in the end that the pseudo-clerical look placed them within the corrupt pontiff's inner circle so went for a very gilded inquisitorial scheme. They were surprisingly quick to paint, I guess because of the simple scheme, which was a little disappointing given how long I had waited to put colour on them. But I'm pleased with how they turned out so am not going to grumble about being able to pull it off in a couple of sittings.