I did manage to get to the end of the challenge before the end of July, honest, just... but I have been ill with Covid over the last week and so haven't been able to photograph and post. Previously I had imagined that if I got Covid I would just have a nice clear 10 days to do a bit of painting, sculpting and some blog posts... but no, that's really not how it panned out. Trust me, this is not a thing you want to have. Be safe, get vaccinated, wear a mask. Still not quite back to normal but well enough to take photos and post them so here goes...
Several years ago I painted a bunch of civilians for a big sandbox game. I left of all the basing thinking I would do that quickly at the end... big mistake! It's time consuming and booooooring doing so many bases all at once. With this challenge I got the groundwork on the bases done as I went, just leaving the applying of greenery until the end. Also a mistake! Hours and hours of dabbing foam and static grass... thank goodness for YouTube.
I also left the banners until the very end. When I was a kid I would leave shields and banners and usually not get to them. I didn't want that to be the case here so dedicated some time to getting the banners (only three after all) painted with their variations on renaissance Italian, Spanish and Papal heraldry. I must confess there is one piece not done- the banner top for the main army banner. I had planned for this to be a big bull's head, but I don't have one to hand and didn't feel up to sculpting one so it has remained unfinished. I do have a spare cross from the top of a Warmachine model I'm not using so may swap that in instead.
So that's it. Army done. Right, what's next...

Looking spectacular...well done for finishing the project.
ReplyDeleteLooks like a great army line up there. And really like that chariot work. The slight change in the pose of the Demon front seams to work well. BOYL 2022 was last weekend (7th) wasn't it? were you well enough for it?
ReplyDeleteJust! I tested almost negative Thursday evening and negative Friday morning. I was still feeling pretty washed out on Friday and Saturday but picked up Sunday morning.
Deletewell, atleast you could make it. I'm in an at risk group but so far, I've been doing pretty well. Not caught it, slightly loosened mask wearing (depending on some factors like number of people, if it's inside or outside, etc) and that's one bit of my health doing well (blood preasure is another matter.. ^_^).. Good that you got well enough.
DeleteA great looking army that was at an impressive pace