What did Kemler do after he had decimated the settlements in the Frugelhorn valley? He went to the abbey of La Maisontaal where he had once enjoyed shelter and learned camaraderie from the brothers. That turned sour when Kemler's studies become more overtly dark and the Lichemaster was cast out to wander gibbering in the wilderness. The reunion was not to be a pleasant one...

So runs the tale in Vengeance of the Lichemaster (Citadel Journal Spring 86) which introduced the villainous Skaven for the first time. It's also featured as part of the Lichemaster WFRP campaign, adopting different names once again. La Maisontaal existed before the concept of the nature god Taal had been thoroughly explored so its resident brothers as described and shown in the painting by John Blanche (above) for the cover of the Journal don't immediately conjure up images of what a modern WFRP player might expect from Taal-ites. But that's just as well because I never was orthodox in my interpretation of Warhammer fluff. My brethren have adopted the red robes and yellow trimmings of the Blanche painting.

There are two 'types' of monk described in the campaigns. The 'Warrior Monks' are the 'younger' initiates... yes, they are kung fu monks. There aren't this many in the WFB scenario (indeterminate number in the WFRP campaign) but this doesn't seem an unreasonable amount for a decent-sized abbey. In the WFRP campaign there's a small village adjacent to the abbey and those villagers are porbably among these ranks now as well, plus of course there would be some extra recruits already in the graveyard... Since he's pissed off with the monks I reckon Kemler would find it amusing to arm former followers of Taal with agricultural tools. They are lead by Bagrian (the Master of La Maisontaal in the Journal) and Jean-Louis Dintrans who succeeds the dying Master at the start of the WFRP campaign.
Fir Bolg Shadow Lord from Celtoc (Brigade Models). He straddles two bases!
An assortment- Citadel, Ral Partha, North Star, Zealot?
Gary Morley Wraiths and standard
Marauder/Night Horrors/Citadel
Harlequin (Black tree Designs)
Then there are the 'Wizard Monks' (magical monks of La Maisontaal), older brothers who have made a study of the mystical arts. Again there are more of these than in the WFB scenario, the extensive crypt of old Masters has been raided for the purpose! I've given these more decorative trim to their robes to show their status. They are lead by Rene de Muscadet, the Master who dies at the beginning of the WFRP campaign and who was responsible for driving out the Lichemaster, mortally wounding him in the process. The former Master is forced to carry his skull, a ram's head being placed on his neck as form of humiliation by Kemler.
Past Masters- Ral Partha, Chronopia and RAFM
Alternative Armies
Citadel, gotta love those old barrow wights
Later LotR... Ringwraiths more colourful than they've ever been before
Alternative Armies, Citadel and ?
Of course the monks aren't the only asset residing at La Maisontaal. Thanks to Bagrian (in the Journal scenario) or de Muscadet (in the WFRP campaign) the abbey is also the current resting place of the Black Ark, a powerful chunk of Warpstone, and the Mechanical Warrior. The Skaven of the original scenario have been repulsed and Kemler has retained possession of the Ark which he is using to increase his power. The Mechanical Warrior he has kept in service as a novelty. In the original scenario the warrior is a Dalek (Citadel released their licensed Daleks in the same Journal issue) but I have gone with a more tin-man style animated suit of armour... until I find a Dalek model that is. The Black Ark is being stored in an ox-drawn casket so Kemler can take it with him should he need to tap its power whilst out and about. The Skaven will not have forgotten where it lies...

The Ark is a repurposed Black Coach with the original coachman now an outrider, dethroned by the Plague Cart driver. I never liked the Black Coach model, it always felt rather too silly, even for a fantasy wargame. The oxen are from the Fenryll chariot.
Next week- the defeated forces of Bretonnia!

Reign of the Lichemaster: Macabre Monks of La Maisontaal