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Thursday 11 May 2023

The Barbaric Tribe of the Horny King


I've put pictures of these guys up before, but as I was playing a game with them at the weekend I thought I would use the opportunity to take some new, better photos documenting the full force. Only thing is I may need to find three more archers... Anyhow, without explanation, here are some pictures.



  1. nice work and while a bit soft texture wise due to the plastic, the battlemaster figures (well.. the archer there) work well

  2. Great looking army once again.Great fun spotting the different manufacturers. Who are the manufacturers in the first couple of pictures?

    1. The Spear guy in the second photo is a Ral Patha Europe figure, I'm not 100% on the bow man, but might be RPE too.. the Mammonth, I think was Heroes of Dark Age, with the Howdah from Scotia Grendel and RPE figures.

    2. Correct. Ral Partha Europe except for the Battlemasters bowman and one ex-Grenadier chap.

    3. Actually not ex-Grenadier, ex-Citadel (now available from Foundry)


Fimm McCool's

Fimm McCool's