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Monday 26 June 2023

The dwarfs of the Karndunkrach Garrison

It's been a while but I have another finished army... well, I say that. I'll elaborate on it later.

The dwarfs I envisage as a small clan holed up in a mountain stronghold tinkering with their defence engines. A small but vital piece in the protection of the lands to the east of them. In times of war their aid can be sought to provide firepower support for the infantry of the Empire.

The flame cannon and the organ gun are newly painted, the rest of the war machines you'll have seen as part of my Slaaneshi cult army. I decided to choose a fairly neutral tone for these dwarfs so they could be used for either situation. I think the flame cannon crew may be intended to double as dark/chaos dwarfs with their shoulder pads and masks. A nice touch is the grenadier badge on the leader's helmet. 

These models are both ex-Harlequin/BTD figures. I bought them from a chap at Colours who had a lot of ex stock to sell. The crossbows and hand guns later on were also purchased there. I should say for the record that I have actually just received an order from BTD (in about 6 weeks) so it does happen sometimes...

The mortars were made of large scroll cases from some Warmachine models mounted on RAFM gun carriages. The crew are a blend of Citadel and TAG (thanks Matthew Street for donating your spares!).

'Old' Feld Van Gellis, the master of ordnance. He is carried around his various crews checking they don't mess up his precious machines.

As I am sure I mentioned before, the big cannon are from Broadsword Miniatures. Lovely things they are too.

Grand Dolph the Confuser accompanies the crossbowmen into battle. Alongside him a lovely (if wonky-eyed) Asgard and a Ral Partha Europe model. We won't say too much about Barclay and James on the right there with their harvester... they appeared from somewhere asking to join the ranks. You've got to have pity on a Nick Lund sculpt sometimes don't you?

Magnus the Carter, brewmaster of the keep, accompanies the Thunderers, keeping their spirits up (by keeping their ale down). In the middle of the front ranks of actual Marauder gems is their leader, Pete Bogfaerie. I think he's an old Foundry model, anyone confirm?

King Grimmson leads his sturdy warriors into battle. Mostly Ral Partha Europe figures with a Citadel, and Asgard and a mystery big chap in the back row... Jethro Tall is, like Captain Carrot, an honorary Dwarf nevertheless.

The elite warriors of the keep are Captain Beef Fart and his Magic Band. Not really very musical (they do have a drummer) these old veterans creak as much as their armour and trump as they tramp along, spreading the odour of dread ahead of them. 

You can't have a dwarf army without slayers. No, you can't. I said so. I was going to, but then I spotted some at a bargain price at a show so now I am a convert to the cause. The only regiment to be entirely Citadel... apart from their dog who is every bit as vicious but possibly slightly less rabid than the mohawked stunties.

Now I did admit they aren't finished. I am currently backing The Landdsknechte Mercenary Dwarfs on Kickstarter so I'll have a unit of pikemen to add once those arrive. Having done the rifle conversions for these guys I have to say they're fine looking sculpts (from Alessio) and will fit nicely alongside the Citadel/Marauder/Harlequin mix.


1 comment:

  1. Great job Geoff as always! I think Nik Lund's figures are a bit of an acquired taste and the regu!ar infantry models are better than the missile armed figures. Always good to see the mix of different manufacturers in your armies.


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