Continuing to populate the dungeon below Firetop Mountain, here are the essential monsters to plague the adventurers with!

Welcome to the old school miniature wargaming/roleplay hobby blog of Geoff (AKA Fimm McCool) from Oakbound Studio. I hope you enjoy your visit.
Continuing to populate the dungeon below Firetop Mountain, here are the essential monsters to plague the adventurers with!
Monsters for Firetop Mountain
The gauntlet had been thrown down... Now I needed to raid my stash of figures to see if I could fill the cast of models needed for the Encounters deck in the Warlock of Firetop Mountain board game. Initially I thought it would be a good excuse to go to the Midlam website and buy in some lovely shiny new toys (they have a wonderful dwarf jester I thought would make a perfect fool), but the sensible part of me said I should try and do as much as possible from what I already had. After all, wasn't I supposed to be working my way through the lead pile not adding to it? And with BOYL fast approaching I needed to be saving my cash and couldn't afford the time for delivery in any case. Well then, to the treasure chest...
As it transpires I had pretty much everything I needed. I was short a suitable model for a ghoul, a minotaur and an orc but Mike at Broadsword Miniatures was seeing me the following day at Attack! and generously took a look through his pile, laying his hands on some perfect models. But I am getting ahead of myself as the monsters will be the focus of my next post. For this one we're looking at the NPCs who apparently make their homes in the Warlock's dungeon.
Encounters for Firetop Mountain
BOYL approaches once more. This year my plan was to take nothing and just join in with Paul's big game that he's been working on painting for the last... three? four? years. Sadly that's now not able to happen so at our GROG meets we have been discussing what to bring. We've settled on some of the GW bookshelf board games and I'm going to be bringing Warlock of Firetop Mountain.
This is not my original set which I picked up (second hand) from a wonderful independent games shop in Bournemouth around 1995. That one only had two of the heroes in- the dwarf and barbarian. I spent the early years of Oldhammer (around 2009/10 I guess) picking up the rest of the heroes to complete the set and even ended up with a spare barbarian which I painted for an Oldhammer Forum warband-
The classic quartet of dungeon heroes.
Heroes for Firetop Mountain