Owing to not having a pay rise in a decade and consequently going on strike I have finished this month's batch of greenies early. With about a week off after Christmas I expect to get some 'bonus' goblins painted this month but if not then this is plenty for my #T4G (Tale of Fourth Gamers) submission. Back to actual Night Goblins, this time with 2-handed weapons.
This clubber goblin, on the other end of the spectrum, is another of my favourite Night Gobbos. He's super-easy to swap the weapon on, hence my three simple conversions to provide variation. The original club was a bit small for a 2-handed weapon so I tried to give them some beefier options.
These guys definitely have 2-handed clubs, look at them carrying them with two hands! I wanted to keep these guys really muted, no yellows and reds on the robes, to try and make the green skin pop. These are good general-purpose goblins so I want to be able to use them as additional troops for any of the other units I want to make bigger for particular games.
So, to the numbers game. This is 29 Night Goblins with 2-handed weapons, including a standard and musician, lead by a regular goblin big boss with shield and light armour and containing three fanatics. 232.5pts (36 Heroes, 196.5 Mobs). 24.45 Gold Coins leaving me with 6.7 Gold Coins leftover in total. This brings the army so far to 2019.5pts (1266.5 Mobs, 667 Heroes, 86 War Machines).