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Monday, 3 June 2024

Cult of the Leering Lune... where the hell are we up to now?

Yes, it's gobling time again folks. It's been such a horrible, all-consuming couple of months I have completely lost track of where we are, but I believe there are two months left of the Tale of 4th Gamers challenge and I have about a hundred gobbos left to paint, so the end is in sight. I did just about manage to pull of these chaps without straying too far into June.

The leader of this unit is from the recent Old School Miniatures Kickstarter, making him one of the newest Kev Adams goblins in the long line. More on those later. Next to him is a Nightling archer, making up even numbers in the unit.

The rest of these guys are Harlequin/BTD goblin soldiers. I got a job lot of ten from a popular online auction site almost exactly a year ago, so it's very satisfying they are finished just under that marker. I removed their roman-esque crests and puttied on some simple hoods to make them look a bit more Night Gobliny, but of course they are wearing a lot of chainmail which apparently Night Goblins aren't allowed so these will be Common Goblin archers standing in solidarity with their nighty cousins.

I'm sticking with brightly coloured bows, each unit being marked out by a different colour. These guys are the Black Arrow Brigade, as shown by the recurring motif, otherwise known as the Black an' Yellers... for yes, they do indeed have a yellow streak.

The last unit of bows are also heavily-armoured Common Goblins and also (mostly) from the Old School Miniatures Kickstarter.

The set consists of a few variations on a few poses with largely just different heads. Mostly good casts although the tankard and top of the bow on the left most chap here didn't cast properly. I gather these guys were bigger than the commissioner had intended, that seems to be par for the course for both Kev and Old School Miniatures! However the Goblinmaster has had some eye surgery and I believe is now confident he can do some smaller gobbos again in the future.

Some older, smaller goblins have also crept into the unit.

 And finally for this batch we have yet another shaman. I really must learn how magic works in 4th edition! He may not be that pleased at being demoted from goblin king, but he still has his impressive flail to take out his frustrations on the enemy. His familiar has either a selection of scrolls his master may someday read or some edicts that he may someday sign. Assuming he can read and write...



  1. nice work. Good if Kev Adam's eye surgery went well, not just for going back to smaller sculpting, but generally. Also, I'm not sure if they are scrolls.. It might be just Toilet paper.. I mean, an Army on the go needs toilet paper

    1. I was thinking hot clean towels to wipe any unseemly blood and gore. That the gobbos may encounter 😳.


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