With the night goblins done and back on the shelf I have had a couple of weeks to paint up some oddments that had accumulated around my previous armies. First up were the ex-Citadel barbarians released by Foundry at BOYL last year, along with three Copplestone archers just to top up the unit to a nice round number.
Some of my Foundry purchases from BOYL this year- pack animals for my dwarves (and any other situation which occurs that needs baggage).
A trio of mounted vampires for my undead host. These are Crusader Miniatures Teutonic Knights on Citadel Red Duke steeds. One of the benefits of a skeletal horse- even if they're much more massive than a historical mount their boniness means slim-legged riders will fit fine!
I believe the 5th edition Wardancer is a Gary Morley sculpt, along with the WHQ one. Look at the fine features (actually a lot more 'natural' and 'real' looking than Jes') and tell me that's not the work of a top-notch sculptor!
Lastly some more goblins... but not green ones or night ones! These are for my Angus McBride type orc army. Bringing a unit up to 30 strength for better battlefield presence (and because I happened to have acquired them!).
A mix of Giaks, C series Goblin Raiding Party and Grom's Goblin Guard. All complimenting one another nicely in look and equipment.
And here's the rabble together with their previous colleagues. Excellent, that ties up loose ends on all of those army projects.