So, Marsh was a thing that happened... and it looks like I neglected to post that I did actually finish something:
Yup, the big guy got paint. He's now also based nicely too, must get some more pics taken.
April has been massively given over to gearing up for the big summer release and getting the Legends of British Steampunks posted. I've just updated the website and you can now buy the first wave of Steampunks from if you missed out on the Kickstarter.
Looking ahead to May, there'll be the first 'official' glimpse of Oakbound's new tabletop RPG:
The core SystemMech rules, along with basic character creation and equipment list, will be popping up as a free download as soon as it's ready. We'll also hopefully get these little boxes ready and in the store, giving you everything you need to get playing:
That should lead us nicely into June, when we're hoping to have proper release dates for Secrets of Shandisholm...
Set in the world of The Woods, Secrets of Shandisholm is the first sourcebook release for SystemMech with loads of background, items lists, skills lists, a bestiary of over 50 creatures, modelling articles, scenarios and a full narrative campaign. So much to prep! We have a printer lined up and this will be a 164-page, hardback book in full colour to show off the beautiful artwork we've been collecting from some talented and generous artists.
If you would be interested in contributing let me know, there'll be miniatures that need painting and we're still after some cover art (still hoping a couple of friendly, big-name artists are going to reply to my pleas... but sadly no word yet!).
There are also some exciting miniature sculpts in the pipeline, not just for The Woods but also commissions for other companies with some concepts I expect you'll find quite interesting. News to follow when I'm allowed!
So, that's caught up with where I am now. Onwards to May!

Updates! (Ooops, didn't I post...)