As it turned out, I was more prepared for Salute than I thought I was. No last-minute issues (not too many anyhow) so I had a couple of days to sit and chill and paint before the madness. Having painted a bunch of Oakbound stuff for the show and just received the new Old School Miniatures goblins I was back in the mood to paint some more night gobbos. However these may end up being my May contribution to the Tale of 4th Gamers depending on how the next few weeks go.
The very lovely Mafu Streety gave me the shaman I was missing. Largely a bit of bending of the first one as far as I can tell, but some additional details I hadn't noticed in the catalogue pictures. His apprentice was all geared up to be a full-blown shaman but has now been demoted. At least until his boss' head explodes.
Largely Harlequin gobbo bows with a splash of Citadel and a leader from the recent OSM Kickstarter. I just had to nod to the classic red era paint jobs with these so they are the 'Red Ear' archers.
The better of the Harlequin/Black Tree Design Nightlings. Shame they don't sell these in bulk packs like the do with the less good ones.
When I was painting the other Nightlings I mentioned I wasn't sure which bits were Kev Adams and which were Kev White. With these I am more certain that the firing gobbos are Goblinmaster sculpts. The one on the right certainly. I'd be less sure about the loading one as his face is the kind of skinnier, less cheeky look I associate with Kev White, however he also looks like a good match to the middle one, so now I'm not sure if the left two are Kev White or if all of these are Kev Adams and all the others I thought were Kev White are the Goblinmaster as well. Not that it matters, they all sit together quite nicely anyhow.

I really like the moody gobbo on the left here, but my goodness is that a rough model! The chainmail is so tight it's barely paintable (more of a knitted cardigan perhaps?) and there are big chunks of metal supporting the arrow head and behind the loading are which don't resemble any texture on the rest of the model. I reckon this is a cast from a ripped mould which didn't get spotted or wasn't deemed bad enough to discontinue. He's staring intently at the end of his snapped bow, trying to work out how to shoot that arrow now.
Of course a night gobbo unit has fanatics. More of the 4th edition ones with the Blood Bowl star player thrown in for good measure. Still undecided whether to add the Talisman one as well. Like the 4th ed plastic gobbo archers I feel it's such a part of that era I would want it represented but I also like the idea of an entirely metal army...
...join or club! It's got nails in.
It was only about two months ago I realised there were two night goblin netters with the nets above their heads. Fortunately a gent on the Facebook trading group was able to help me fill the hole. They're really quite different characters, amazing what a simple head swap does. As for the third guy, he has to be the most unstable model in my collection! All that weight in his net leaning right out beyond the edge of the base...
...he's much better positioned on a strip! I now realise, of course, that there are two variants of this guy as well and I have two of the same one. Ah well. I was lucky enough to lay my paws on one of the unreleased/limited/games day net team pairs. The other eludes me and at current prices is likely to continue to do so, but these are my preferred set anyhow.
A couple more of the Harlequin/BTD nightlings with appropriate equipment. Almost like they were designed to be used as night gobbos isn't it?
Out of three with the club against his hood you'd think there'd be one of each variants wouldn't you? But no. Another one to hunt down! Ah well. They're not easy figures to put a bit of easy variation into either, unlike the left two here that give quite a different feel depending on the foot they're balancing on. The best I could do to make the three look a bit different was to twist the club so his nail is sticking out in different directions. As always, a joy to paint though. Good to be back feeling the gobbo vibe after a bit of time away.

If you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit...