Special Rules
Unless otherwise noted, all Fimir (as opposed to humans in a Fimir army) have the following special rules:
Bog Dwellers
As inhabitants of marshes who rely on their affinity with the fens to ensnare their prey, Fimir have the Marsh Strider special rule.
Mystic Mist
Fimir have a strong aversion to sunlight. When forced to walk abroad during the day, or even at night when desiring complete secrecy, they surround themselves with a magically-created mist, through which the Fimir are barely discernable from a distance of more than few metres. Units of five or more Fimir generate a covering mist which obscures their number and makes targeting them difficult. Missile weapons are at -1 to hit Fimir enshrouded in mist. A unit of four or less models cannot generate a thick enough mist to keep it hidden. In addition, until an enemy model comes within 12” of the unit of Fimir the Fimir player may keep concealed any character models within that unit (they remain off the table until revealed). Wizard characters may still cast and attempt to dispel spells whilst hidden. Mystic mist does not affect close combat. Fimir are able to see and move normally through all mist and fog, even magical ones.
Aversion to sunlight
Fimir find daylight very uncomfortable. Since their vision relies on differences in light intensity they find strong sunlight dazzling and confusing. Fimir units which have no Mystic Mist (see above) count as being subject to Stupidity. Heroes and Lords, having stronger willpower and innate magical essence, only suffer from aversion to sunlight if there are no mist-generating units within 18”.
They came from nowhere!
Fimir have such affinity with the swamps, marshes and fens that in these types of terrain they are able to sneak up on enemies unawares, even in open ground. This allows them to make surprise attacks against their foe. Fimir count as having ‘Always Strikes First’ for the first turn of a close combat they have initiated so long as they are fighting in marshland, a swamp, fen, bog or forest.
Watch your enemy
The Fimir are wary of engaging any foe in open battle and will always try to gain as much information as they can on their adversaries. One core unit per game may be assigned as Scouts.
Lurking menace
If fighting in a swamp, bog, marsh, forest or anywhere else the Fimir would be on home turf then any number of core units may be assigned as Ambushers.
As creatures steeped in the natural magic of the realms of chaos, Fimir have Magic Resistance. The level varies with the hierarchy of the Fimir and is to be found in the army list entries for each troop type.
Meargh, Derach and Druí are Loremasters (Mysticism).
Carnyx/Uilleann pipes
These are the usual instruments carried by the Fimm into battle. They act in the same way as musicians of any other race.
The lowest caste of Fimir society is the Shearl. Physically smaller and weaker than their cousins they are born into a life of servitude, carrying out menial tasks for those of nobler birth. Shearl are rarely seen outside the fortresses of the Fimir, not that they do not venture out, they do so to forage and hunt small prey for food, but they are careful never to be seen. Typical employment for the Shearl is in the form of household staff and retainers, cooks, cleaners, porters for example, but some are skilled craftsmen and almost all weaponry, armour, jewellery, clothing and utensils possessed by the Fimir are skilfully forged in their workshops. This is about the only way a Shearl can ever find himself of value to those of higher caste so apprenticeships are much sought after and only the most naturally talented are permitted to become craftsmen, ensuring only the highest quality. These artisans are also the only Shearl permitted to reproduce, and so the positions are highly coveted.
When the Fimir go to battle they are usually accompanied by a Shearl baggage train and some may be drafted in to fight. Their lives are not highly prized but large units are a useful distraction, allowing the Fimm to draw close to the enemy undetected.
Shearl are naturally cowardly, the product of centuries of oppression at the hands of greater Fimir, and are subject to Fear unless accompanied by a Fimm Slaver or a Fimir character model.
A unit consists of 10+ Shearl.
Shearl are armed with hand weapons and may be given an extra hand weapon.
Shearl and Fimm Slavers are Fimir and subject to the Fimir special rules.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Shearl 4 3 1 3 3 1 2 1 6 Inf
Fimm Slaver 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 2 6 Inf
The Fimm are regarded the ‘normal’ pattern for Fimir. Their form is said to be unchanged from the earliest days of the race and the majority born are of this caste. Within the Fimm there is a hierarchy, with ascension through the ranks usually gained by brute strength, cunning, deception and backstabbing. Those at the bottom, the warrior class, band together into groups known as Septs, often drawn along lines of common parentage. Septs are governed by a Flaithmor and are grouped together in clans ruled by a Meargh.
It is the Fimm who make the most frequent raids, the Fimm who oversee their Shearl and human slaves and the Fimm who propagate the species, without the feudal core of Fimm society the race would be long extinct.
Fimm warriors may be led into battle by one of their Finmor, ceremonial champions favoured by the Fimm nobles.
A unit consists of 5-20 Fimm.
Fimm warriors are armed with hand weapons and may be given shields.
Fimm are Fimir and subject to the Fimir special rules.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Fimm 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 2 6 Inf
Finmor 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 3 7 Inf
The Fianna are the elite of the Fimm warriors. These warriors are hand-picked, sometimes at birth, sometimes as a result of some great deed but most frequently by displaying prowess at the Haakskikaah, an annual contest held to commemorate the breaking of the crystal at Khulaine. Fianna are removed from their ancestral Sept and form a separate group which serves as bodyguard to the clan’s Dirach and Meargh. Normally Fianna will only leave the fortress if their clan is threatened but they are sometimes sent abroad to accompany a Dirach on a mission of importance or as support for Fimm on a particularly difficult raid.
The Fianna are normally marked out by their ceremonial armour, more for ornamentation than protection since the Fimir shun such signs of weakness.
The mightiest of the Fianna Fimm are the Flaiths. Awarded the same status in Fimir society as a Flaithmor, the Flaiths are regarded as having no retinue, or Sept, to govern. Although in practice the ranks of the Fianna are theirs to command, these commands are meant to come direct from a Dirach or the Meargh herself and so in theory the Flaiths are to pass on orders only. The reality is that Fimir clans are such a hotbed of intrigue and deceit that should a Flaith command his troops to carry out orders on his own behalf, or that of a Flaithmor with wealth or power to offer, it is unlikely anyone would notice.
Places in the ranks of the Fianna Fimm are often awarded on the outcome of a duel or contest and many of the Fianna continue to bear the ‘Haakskarl’ or ‘Trial Sword’, with which they won their station, as their main weapon in combat. These long, curved blades have a ferocious reputation for being able to cleave stone, bone and the thickest of armour.
A unit consists of 5-10 Fianna
Fianna may be led into battle by a Flaith, an exalted champion.
Fianna may be armed with hand weapons, shields or Haakskarl.
Haakskarl are massive swords and require two hands.
Fianna are Fimir and subject to the Fimir special rules.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Fianna 4 5 3 4 4 1 4 2 6 Inf
Flaith 4 5 3 4 4 1 4 3 7 Inf
These mighty blades count as Great Weapons.
Range: Combat
Strength: +2
Requires two hands
Always strikes last (this is negated by the Fimir’s ‘They Came From Nowhere!’ rule, meaning that Fianna who assault their enemy in marshy terrain with Haakskarl strike in initiative order)
Whilst the tendency among Old-Worlders is to consider the Fimir to be mythical monsters and creatures of fable, those who inhabit the fenlands of Albion know all too well the reality. Many a ruined village stands testimony to the enemy which appears from nowhere and vanishes just as suddenly. Some of these hamlets have taken to leaving ‘offerings’ (often of choice young girls) for the Fimir in the hope that they will spare the rest of village, others revere the Fimir as gods and build shrines to the ‘One-Eyed Ones’, still others undertake raids against other settlements to acquire captives to present to the Fimir. Among all the origins and residence of the Fimir remain shrouded in mists as thick as those that hide the beasts themselves. On occasion, when the Fimir are driven to launch raiding parties or protect their habitations, these human settlements will be called upon to provide assistance. Very few relish their ‘alliances’ with the Fimir, serving out of fear and need, but there are the occasional tribes which discover their own lusts for slaughter and pillage leading them to greater affinity with their cyclopsian masters. One such tribe is the Cyrcinne, worshippers of the ‘One-Eye’ who happily devastate other villages, returning with carts full of slaves which they chain to the outer walls of their settlement as offerings. This tribe daub their shields with crude copies of Fimir symbols hoping that when they travel across the marshes their allegiance will be seen and their lives spared.
A unit consists of 10 or more Tuatha.
A unit of Tuatha may be lead by a Toisech, or chieftain.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Toisech 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7 Inf
Tuatha 4 3 2 3 3 1 4 1 6 Inf
Mormaer (“Clan Steward”) is the title given to tribal leaders in Albion. These are usually warrior-kings who have proven their ability to protect their settlements through force of arms against their enemies.
A Fimir army may include up to one Mormaer for every unit of Tuatha. A Mormaer does not have to join a unit of Tuatha but may not join any units of Fimir. Since each tribe has only one Mormaer, if your army contains more than one you must assign Tuatha units to the command of each. A Mormaer may not join a unit that has not been assigned to him.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Mormaer 4 5 3 4 4 2 5 2 8 Inf
Fimir rarely undertake building projects and their marshland home denies them the opportunity to mine or cultivate land. In addition the Shearl are far superior in strength and endurance to humans. As a result very few male captured slaves, or Bolgs, are kept by the Fimir, most become meat very quickly. Especially strong or athletic humans may be put to work in the mines or on treadmills powering mechanisms within the Fimir settlements, and reserves are always kept for employment defending the settlement or in raiding parties. Sometimes their use is more psychological than in terms of military strength, many times the only warning a village gets of an impending Fimir attack is when a group of slaves, chained in a tight huddle, stagger into the square and collapse in a dying heap. A dreadful display of the fate awaiting the villagers should they resist. After a few weeks at the hands of their cyclopsian masters all but the toughest men become broken shells, obedient to snarled commands for fear of reprisal. A few hold out and the occasional individual is able to inspire his fellow captives to attempt flight, or even to turn on their captors, once outside the walls of the Fimir settlement.
It has never been known for Bolgs who excel in battle to be granted freedom or greater privileges by their captors, who view them purely as cannon-fodder on the field. Therefore units of Bolgs are never driven to fight well in the Fimir’s cause. Any unit which is not spurred on by inclusion of a Fimm Slaver or character model (human or Fimir) must roll on the Bolg reaction table to determine the state of mind of the unit. If a unit’s Fimm Slaver is removed for any reason the unit must roll to see how the slaves react. Additionally, large units of slaves may feel better able to revolt against their cruel masters. Bolg units of greater than 20 models roll on the slave reaction table regardless of whether they contain a Fimm Slaver or not and receive +1 to their roll.
Bolg reaction table:
1: Broken shells: The unit’s morale is totally broken by its period of captivity. The most the warriors will be able to do is hope for a quick merciful end to
their suffering. The unit shambles 1” in a random direction (decided by the
scatter die) in each movement phase. It will not launch an attack on an enemy unit and all enemy rolls to hit the unit receive a +1 modifier.
2-4: Terrified into submission: The unit functions as normal, afraid of reprisals from their captors.
5: Take any opportunity!: The unit will take any chance to avoid returning to their cages. Any time the unit is within 12” of a table edge or defeats an
enemy unit in close combat by wiping it out the slaves will make an additional 2d6” move towards the nearest table edge. If it reaches the edge of the table it is removed from play, no victory points are gained by units lost this way.
6: Get the bastards!: The open horizon turns the captives’ despair into a fit of rage and they turn on their oppressors. The unit will automatically charge any Fimir unit within range, engage it in close combat and counts as
having Hatred towards Fimir. So complete is their fury that they see everything apart from their unit as an enemy and so can still be used to attack enemy units, however they do not receive Hatred bonuses against non-Fimir units.
Bolgs are armed with a selection of crude hand weapons, the Fimir wouldn’t trust them with anything else.
Fimm Slavers are Fimir and subject to the Fimir special rules.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Bolg 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 5 Inf
Fimm Slaver 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 2 6 Inf
Fir Kith
The Fimir emaining in Albion have a strong connection with Hobgoblins, who they trade with. It is likely that the fierce Hobhounds used by these treacherous greenskins have provided the base for the Fimir pack hound known as the Fir Kith. These dogs are kept packs of these dogs for hunting in the fens, guarding their fortresses and even riding occasionally. Sometimes packs of Fir Kith are released into the marshes where hunger makes them even more ferocious, these act as a deterrent to those who would draw near to the Fimir settlements. The Fimir go abroad once every decade to round up these released animals and they become prized as guard dogs by the Flaithmor.
Fir Kith have jet black or silvery coats and large, red eyes. Their jaws naturally glow with a blue phosphorescence, possibly due to their consuming marsh gases or maybe due to being brought into association with warpstone somewhere in their heritage.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Fir Kith 8 4 0 4 4 1 4 1 7 WB
The kelpie, or ‘Water Horses’, are a foul breed of troll which lures its prey into the marshes by submerging itself with only its head above water, thereby resembling a drowning horse which the victim may attempt to rescue. Kelpies are fierce and carnivorous. Their affinity with the Fimir may stem from common ancestry somewhere along the corrupted line and the Fimir are careful to keep them on side by releasing a few humans into the marshes every so often as prey. The Fimir enjoy this cruel sport and will often send parties to spectate, shadowing the slaves as they attempt to find a way out of the bog.
When fully revealed, Kelpies are a horrific sight and cause Fear.
Kelpies are a type of troll and have the Regeneration special rule.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Kelpie 6 3 1 4 4 2 6 2 6 MI
The Jabberwock is a terrible beast, rarely seen but sometimes heard howling across the marshes on a moonless night. Jabberwocks have long necks ending in jowled heads, similar to a turkey’s but with a blunt maw instead of a beak. They have giant, pale eyes which glow faintly in the dark and tiny wings which are incapable of bearing the beast’s bulk. Despite their size, Jabberwocks move fast and strike faster, tearing into their victims with tooth and claw.
Jabberwocks find light even more painful than Fimir do, they protect themselves with a similar Mystic Mist but even this is not enough to make the beast comfortable. Jabberwocks count as being subject to stupidity unless fighting at night.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Jabberwock 8 4 4 5 6 5 3 4 9 Mo
The bogs and fens of Albion are home to a species of giant insect known as the woldlouse. Feasting on decomposing vegetable matter in the swamps these creatures are usually gentle monsters, preferring to curl into a tight ball until danger has passed rather than attack. The Fimir have taken to domesticating the woldlice as beasts of burden since they are well-accustomed to travel through the dense marshes and can carry a considerable amount of baggage. In the process of domestication they have bred a strain who are unusually aggressive and these they take into battle with them. Woldlice are virtually impervious to all manner of attack, weak only in their soft underbellies, and the attack variety have been trained to gore their enemies with their sharp horns.
Woldlice are very much at home in swamps and have the Marsh Strider special rule.
If threatened beyond their capacity, Woldlice can roll into a tight ball and hide behind their armour plating. At any point during a battle the Fimir player can declare the woldlouse is curling up. It becomes impenetrable and cannot be hurt by any attack except magic missiles and fire. The woldlouse will only uncurl again if it passes a leadership test (using its own leadership) at the start of the Fimir player’s turn. If successful, it can do nothing else that turn as it regains its bearings and assesses the danger. If it fails it remains rolled up.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Woldlouse 4 3 0 7 7 5 3 1 7 Mo
The nobles of the Fimm caste are usually selected on the basis of might in combat but the most cunning Fimm are able to work their way up to Flaithmor by devious cunning and backstabbing. There is no formal election process, the individuals the Fimm are willing to obey merely subdue opposition or are usurped. Flaithmor denotes ‘Fist of the clan’ and each is in charge of a Sept, or sub-division of the clan. Sometimes this Sept is marked out at birth by parentage, either they are all children on the Flaithmor or they are children of other members of the Sept, but movement and in-fighting between Septs is common and the retinue of a Flaithmor may grow or shrink in number as fickle allegiances are made and crumble.
Flaithmor are Fimir and subject to Fimir special rules.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Flaithmor 4 6 3 4 4 2 4 4 8 Inf/Character
Fimm who show most magical prowess are often selected for enrolment in the brotherhood of whichever corrupted deity that particular Fimir settlement worships. These priests owe no allegiance to Flaithmor but devote their whole attention to mystical study and contemplation of their dark lord. Druí are isolated beings, keeping themselves apart from the rest of the settlement, making their sacrifices on behalf of the whole clan. They can be consulted as oracles by Flaithmor and have some ability to foretell. They occasionally join raiding parties if the intent is to capture human victims for sacrifice, since it is in their interests to gauge the suitability of those chosen. If the clan is drawn forth to battle the Druí will join the ranks on the field to provide reassurance of their god’s favour and to beseech their master for direction and might in the conflict.
Each Druí coven is led by a Dirach who takes the role of high priest and mentors the Fimm mystics in their magical studies. The coven may also contain as many other Dirach as the settlement contains, who form an elite brotherhood in the hierarchy.
Druí are Level 2 Wizards. They draw their spells from the lore of Mysticism.
Druí are Fimir and subject to Fimir special rules.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Druí 4 4 3 3 3 2 4 1 7 Inf/Character
Known to the human tribes as ‘Demon-Fiends’, the Dirach are most frequently seen among Fimir raiding parties. Their spellcasting second only to the Meargh’s among Fimir they shape the very weather of the marshes to aid their foul cause. Even among the Fimir they are regarded with fear. As strong as they are powerful in magic, they tower above their smaller cousins and regard the human tribesmen with disdain. Dirach occupy high positions in the clan, advising and assisting the Meargh. One or more Dirach may be assigned the responsibility of watching over the spiritual wellbeing of the clan, by offering appropriate sacrifices and divining by the five traditional lores of stars, moon, water, blood and rock. This task is usually carried out with the assistance of a coven of Druí. Not all Dirach belong to such a coven, many are occupied in the day-to-day running of the clan, spending much of their lives in close consultation with the Meargh, often in prolonged trances. When large raiding parties go into the outside world it is usual for them to be accompanied by a Dirach. Not only does this assure the raiders of strong magical support, but the presence of these beings is usually enough to keep the devious Fimm in line.
Dirach are smooth-tailed, horned and about the same size as Mistmor.
Dirach are Level 3 Wizards. They draw their spells from the lore of Mysticism.
Dirach are Fimir and subject to Fimir special rules.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Dirach 6 4 2 4 4 3 4 3 8 MI/Character
The Meargh (or ‘Witch Queens’) are the only female Fimir. They are powerful wizards, saturated with the raw magic of chaos and passing on the knowledge first received from the Old Ones to each subsequent generation. The Meargh live for millennia, unless slain or consumed by their own spellcasting, and it is rare for human women to give birth to these creatures. It is rumoured that elven women are more likely to conceive and carry Meargh but, perhaps because of a shortage of elf settlements in the north of the Old World, perhaps because the Meargh are jealous of power and do not wish to have to contend for supremacy, this remains a Fimir myth. Since they are so rare, and preoccupied with the running of the clan, Meargh do not often venture out of their stony settlements. Yet, when provoked or forced abroad by great need, they are a terrible foe, weaving spells among the winds of magic as though they themselves directed the flow, and maybe they do.
Meargh are Level 4 Wizards. They draw their spells from the lore of Mysticism.
Meargh are Fimir and subject to Fimir special rules.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Meargh 4 5 3 3 4 3 6 2 9 Inf/Character
The largest of the Fimir are the Mistmor. Mistmor denotes ‘Life of the clan’. Tall as a troll and easily as strong they are prized as defenders of Fimir settlements. Their size and strength are equalled by their mindless obedience, raised from birth not to question authority lest they should decide to use their physical prowess to gain power. The Mistmor are most frequently used to build the Fimir settlements, hewing and stacking rock to form the stony fortresses, and they take enormous pride in their handiwork, defending the structures at all costs should they come under threat. It is this possessive attitude which makes them such fearless guardians.
Mistmor are Fimir and subject to the Fimir special rules.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Mistmor 6 4 2 5 5 5 3 3 8 MI
Marsh Chariot
The Fimir have developed an ingenious chariot able to roll happily through the murkiest of swamps, usually pulled by a Woldlouse or team of Fir Kith. The chariot is wheeled and has vicious scythes at the front and on the wheel hubs for clearing marsh grasses out of the way (and cutting through units in battle) however it also has sled-like skis on which it glides across bogs. Usually only Flaithmor ride in chariots, perhaps accompanied by a chosen retainer, but it has been known for Dirach and Meargh to travel by chariot.
Marsh chariots ignore long grass and marsh-type difficult terrain since their scythes and wheel/ski design clears a path and stables them on swampy ground.
-NOTE- The Jabberwock should have a breath attack, yet to be drafted-
Mystic Magic- The Lore of Mysticism
The Fimir use their magic primarily for concealment, defence and deceit. Their mysticism is drawn from five elements; starlight, moonlight, water, blood and rock. The Fimir believe that they were shaped in rock and given life through blood and water. They look to the stars as the homes of the Old Ones who gave them birth and read the shaping of the world in their constellations. They view the moon as the eye of Balor, watching over his children whilst his body is absorbed in the stuff of chaos which swirls around them.
Marsh reflection (Lore attribute)
The mystics of the Fimir can conjure phantoms from the mist itself, using water droplets in the air to refract light, causing themselves to appear where they are not. After a spell from the Lore of Mysticism is successfully cast and resolved, the casting wizard can choose to immediately swap places with a friendly character anywhere within 12”.
Dense Fog Cast on 5+
(Signature spell)
The wizard creates a dense fog around the foe, causing them to stumble blindly through the mist until it dissipates.
Dense Fog is a hex with a range of 48”. The target unit’s weapon skill, ballistic skill, initiative or movement (you choose which) is reduced by D3 (to a minimum of 1) until the start of the caster’s next magic phase. The wizard can choose to cast a more powerful version of the spell which reduces all four characteristics (roll 1D3 and reduce all by this amount). If he does so, the casting value of Dense Fog is increased to 10+
1. Spirit of the water Cast on 5+
The wizard calls upon a fay creature of the marsh to rise up and bear him away.
Spirit of the water is an augment spell that can be cast on the wizard or a friendly character within 12”. The target immediately makes a move using the Fly special rule as if it were the remaining moves sub-phase. Note that Fimir wizards always carry vials of water since their magic is dependent upon it, and a small amount is all they need to call upon spirit assistance, so fighting in a desert does not annul this power.
2. Bog of Despair Cast on 10+
A great sadness sinks upon the enemy as they stare into an illusionary mire, overcome by the tragedy of the Fimir’s existence.
Remains in play. The Bog of Despair is a hex with a range of 18”. All models in the target unit have ther strength reduced by D3 (to a minimum of 1) for the duration of the spell. The wzard can choose to extend the range of the spell to 36”. If he does so, the casting value is increased to 10+.
3. Bog of Stench Cast on 13+
Water seeps from the ground around the enemies’ feet as the ground they stand on becomes a shifting, foul-smelling swamp, the smell of which sinks to the pits of their stomachs and causes them to gag and wretch.
Remains in play. Bog of Stench is a hex with a range of 18”. All models in the target unit have their toughness reduced by D3 (to a minimum of 1) for the duration of the smell, er, spell. The wizard can extend the range of this spell to 36”, in which case it has a casting value of 16+.
4. Column of Fen Gas Cast on 13+
A fierce gust of fetid marsh gas spews from the wizard’s open hands. Those not quick enough to dodge the pale green mist suffer nausea and choking from its toxic content.
Column of Fen Gas is a direct damage spell. Extend a straight line, 6D6 in length, from the wizard. Each model in the way (determined as for a bouncing cannonball) must pass an initiative test or suffer a Strength 10 hit causing multiple wounds (D3). The wizard can choose to double the range (making it twice the total rolled), in which case the casting value increases to 18+.
Marshes of Madness Cast on 14+
A great fissure runs across the ground at the enemy’s feet and fills with a swirling vortex of primordial ooze from the dawn of time itself. The mocking voices of chaos ring out from the crevice and tendrils of peaty silt curl themselves around the foe, sucking them into oblivion.
Marshes of Madness is a direct damage spell. Place the small, round template anywhere within 24”, it then scatters D6”. All models underneath the template must pass an initiative test or be sucked to their doom (remove them as casualties with no saves of any kind allowed). The wizard can choose to create a greater abyss using the large template instead of the small. If he does so, the casting value is increased to 17+ and the template scatters 2D6” rather than D6”.
The Eye of Balor Cast on 18+
The eyes of the Fimir glow with a fierce yellowish light, searing into the minds of their foes as they cut them down. These grim beams rip apart the unit’s sanity, breaking their very will.
The Eye of Balor is an augment spell with a range of 18” and lasts until the start of the caster’s next magic phase. Models in the target unit use their leadership instead of their Strength when rolling to wound with all close combat attacks whilst the spell remains in effect (any strength bonuses from weapons are ignored). The wizard can choose to extend the range of the spell to 36”. If he does so, the casting value is increased to 21+.
Army List
Meargh 300pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Meargh 4 5 3 3 4 3 6 2 9 Inf/Character
The army can contain no more than one Meargh. If your army contains a Meargh you may take up to one Dirach as a Heroes, rather than a Lords, choice.
Level 3 Wizard.
Weapons and Armour: Hand weapon (staff)
Bronze armour (4+ armour save)
Options: Magic items: Any, up to a total of... 100pts
Upgrade to level 4 wizard 35pts
Mount (One choice only):
Woldlouse 125pts
Marsh Chariot 100pts
(Chosen as normal from the army list,
replacing one of the crew)
Special rules:
Bog Dwellers (Marsh Strider)
Magical (Magic Resistance (3))
Loremaster (Mysticism)
Aversion to sunlight (if not within 18” of a mist-generating unit)
Dirach 200pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Dirach 6 4 2 4 4 3 4 3 8 MI/Character
If your army contains a Meargh you may take up to one Dirach as a Heroes, rather than a Lords, choice.
Level 2 Wizard.
Weapons and Armour: Hand weapon
Bronze armour (4+ armour save)
Options: Magic items: Any, up to a total of... 100pts
Upgrade to level 3 wizard 35pts
Mount (One choice only):
Woldlouse 125pts
Marsh chariot 100pts
(Chosen as normal from the army list,
replacing one of the crew)
Weapons (One choice only):
Great weapon 20pts
Add. hand weapon 15pts
Additional equipment:
Shield 5pts
Special rules:
Bog Dwellers (Marsh Strider)
They came from nowhere! (Always Strike First for the first turn of a close combat they have initiated so long as they are fighting in marshland, a swamp, fen, bog or forest.)
Magical (Magic Resistance (3))
Loremaster (Mysticism)
Aversion to sunlight (if not within 18” of a mist-generating unit)
Druí 70pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Druí 4 4 3 3 3 2 4 1 8 Inf/Character
Level 1 Wizard
Weapons and Armour: Hand weapon
Options: Magic items: Any, up to a total of... 50pts
Mount (One choice only):
Marsh chariot 100pts
(Chosen as normal from the army list,
replacing one of the crew)
To a level 2 wizard 35pts
Special rules:
Bog Dwellers (Marsh Strider)
Magical (Magic Resistance (2))
Loremaster (Mysticism)
Aversion to sunlight (if not within 18” of a mist-generating unit)
Flaithmor 90pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Flaithmor 4 6 3 4 4 2 4 4 8 Inf/Character
Weapons and Armour: Hand weapon
Bronze armour (4+ armour save)
Options: Magic items: Any, up to a total of... 50pts
Mount (One choice only):
Woldlouse 125pts
Marsh chariot 100pts
(Chosen as normal from the army list,
replacing one of the crew)
Fir Kith 8pts
Weapons (One choice only):
Great weapon 20pts
Add. hand weapon 5pts
Additional equipment:
Shield 5pts
Special rules:
Bog Dwellers (Marsh Strider)
Magical (Magic Resistance (2))
Aversion to sunlight (if not within 18” of a mist-generating unit)
Mormaer 50pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Mormaer 4 5 3 4 4 2 5 2 8 Inf
Weapons and Armour: Hand weapon
Chainmail (5+ armour save)
Options: Weapons (One choice only):
Great weapon 20pts
Add. hand weapon 5pts
Additional equipment:
Shield 5pts
Shearl 10pts per model
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Shearl 4 3 1 3 3 1 2 1 6 Inf
Fimm Slaver 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 2 7 Inf
Unit size: 10+
Weapons and Armour: Hand weapon
Options: Include 1 Fimm Slaver for 15 pts
Fimm Slaver options: Weapons:
Add. hand weapon 3pts
Additional equipment:
Shield 5pts
Special rules:
Bog Dwellers (Marsh Strider)
Mystic Mist (Units of five or more Fimir generate covering. Missile weapons are at -1 to hit. Until an enemy model comes within 12” of the unit of Fimir the Fimir player may keep concealed any character models within that unit (they remain off the table until revealed). Wizard characters may still cast and attempt to dispel spells whilst hidden. Mystic mist does not affect close combat. Fimir are able to see and move normally through all mist and fog, even magical ones.)
Aversion to sunlight (Count as subject to Stupidity if not shrouded in Mystic Mist)
They came from nowhere! (Always Strike First for the first turn of a close combat they have initiated so long as they are fighting in marshland, a swamp, fen, bog or forest.)
Watch your enemy (one core unit per army may be assigned as scouts)
Lurking menace (may be assigned as ambushers in marshy terrain)
Magical (Magic Resistance (1))
Subject to Fear if not led by a Fimm Slaver or Fimir character.
Fimm 15pts per model
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Fimm 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 2 7 Inf
Finmor 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 3 7 Inf
Unit size: 10-20
Weapons and Armour: Hand weapon
Options: Command:
Upgrade one Fimm to: Finmor 12 pts
Musician 6pts
Standard 12pts
May have magic standard worth up to 50pts
Weapons (One choice only, points cost per model):
Add. hand weapon 3pts
Additional equipment (points cost per model):
Shield 2pts
Light Armour 2pts
Special rules:
Bog Dwellers (Marsh Strider)
Mystic Mist
Aversion to sunlight (Count as subject to Stupidity if not shrouded in Mystic Mist)
They came from nowhere! (Always Strike First for the first turn of a close combat they have initiated so long as they are fighting in marshland, a swamp, fen, bog or forest.)
Watch your enemy (one core unit per army may be assigned as scouts)
Lurking menace (may be assigned as ambushers in marshy terrain)
Magical (Magic Resistance (1))
Tuatha 6pts per model
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Tuatha 4 3 2 3 3 1 4 1 6 Inf
Toisech 4 3 2 3 3 1 4 2 6 Inf
Unit size: 10+
Weapons and Armour: Hand weapon
Options: Command:
Upgrade one warrior to: Toisech 12 pts
Musician 6pts
Standard 12pts
Weapons (One choice only, points cost per model):
Add. hand weapon 3pts
Additional equipment (points cost per model):
Light armour 1pt
Shield 1pt
Bolg 4pts per model
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Bolg 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 5 Inf
Fimm Slaver 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 2 7 Inf
Unit size: 10+
Weapons and Armour: Hand weapon
Options: Include 1 Fimm Slaver for 15 pts
Fimm Slaver options: Weapons:
Add. hand weapon 3pts
Additional equipment:
Shield 5pts
Special rules:
Bolg must roll on the Bolg reaction table if the unit numbers more than 20 or is not accompanied by a Fimm Slaver or character.
Fianna 20pts per model
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Fianna 4 5 3 4 4 1 4 2 7 Inf
Flaith 4 5 3 4 4 1 4 3 7 Inf
Unit size: 5-15
Weapons and Armour: Hand weapon
Bronze armour (4+ save)
Options: Command:
Upgrade one warrior to: Flaith 12 pts
Musician 6pts
Standard 12pts
May have magic standard worth up to 50pts
Weapons (One choice only, points cost per model):
Haakskarl 8pts
Add. hand weapon 3pts
Additional equipment (points cost per model):
Shield 1pt
Special rules:
Bog Dwellers (Marsh Strider)
Mystic Mist (Units of five or more Fimir generate covering. Missile weapons are at -1 to hit. Until an enemy model comes within 12” of the unit of Fimir the Fimir player may keep concealed any character models within that unit (they remain off the table until revealed). Wizard characters may still cast and attempt to dispel spells whilst hidden. Mystic mist does not affect close combat. Fimir are able to see and move normally through all mist and fog, even magical ones.)
Aversion to sunlight (Count as subject to Stupidity if not shrouded in Mystic Mist)
They came from nowhere! (Always Strike First for the first turn of a close combat they have initiated so long as they are fighting in marshland, a swamp, fen, bog or forest.)
Lurking menace (may be assigned as ambushers in marshy terrain)
Magical (Magic Resistance (1))
Mistmor 40pts per model
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Mistmor 6 4 1 5 5 5 4 3 6 MI
Unit size: 1-5
Weapons and Armour: Hand weapon
Options: Weapons (One choice only, points cost per model):
Add. hand weapon 5pts
Additional Equipment:
Light armour 15pts
Special rules:
Bog Dwellers (Marsh Strider)
Mystic Mist (Units of five or more Fimir generate covering. Missile weapons are at -1 to hit. Until an enemy model comes within 12” of the unit of Fimir the Fimir player may keep concealed any character models within that unit (they remain off the table until revealed). Wizard characters may still cast and attempt to dispel spells whilst hidden. Mystic mist does not affect close combat. Fimir are able to see and move normally through all mist and fog, even magical ones.)
Aversion to sunlight (Count as subject to Stupidity if not shrouded in Mystic Mist)
They came from nowhere! (Always Strike First for the first turn of a close combat they have initiated so long as they are fighting in marshland, a swamp, fen, bog or forest.)
Lurking menace (may be assigned as ambushers in marshy terrain)
Magical (Magic Resistance (1))
Fir Kith 8pts per model
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Fir Kith 8 4 0 4 4 1 4 1 7 WB
Unit size: 3+
Kelpie 40pts per model
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Kelpie 6 3 1 4 4 2 6 2 6 MI
Unit size: 3+
Special rules:
Cause Fear
Marsh Chariot 100pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Chariot - - - 5 5 3 - - - Chariot
Fimm - 4 - 4 - - 3 2 6 Inf
Woldlouse 4 3 0 7 7 5 3 1 7 Mo
Fir Kith 8 4 0 4 4 1 4 1 7 WB
You may count up to two chariots as a single special choice.
Crew: 2 Fimm warriors
Drawn by: 4 Fir Kith
Armour save: 3+
Unit size: 1
Weapons and armour: The crew are armed with hand weapons.
The chariot has scythed wheels.
Options: Upgrade Fir Kith to one Woldlouse 90pts
Special rules:
Ignores Marsh and Long Grass difficult terrain.
Slave Cart 200pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Chariot - - - 5 5 3 - - - Chariot
Fimm - 4 - 4 - - 3 2 6 Inf
Woldlouse 4 3 0 7 7 5 3 1 7 Mo
Crew: 2 Fimm warriors
Drawn by: 1 Woldlouse
Armour save: 3+
Unit size: 1
Weapons and armour: The crew are armed with hand weapons.
The cart has scythed wheels.
Special rules:
Ignores Marsh and Long Grass difficult terrain.
Up to 15 Bolg, Tuatha or Shearl, or 10 Fimm or Fianna, may ride in the cart. If they do so they may not be specifically targeted whilst embarked. Embarking takes one full turn as does disembarking, during which the unit may do nothing else. A unit may embark or disembark even if the cart has moved that turn and the cart may move after the unit has embarked or disembarked. However it may not split its move. Whilst embarked the unit may not attack or shoot. If the cart is destroyed the unit automatically disembarks and may move, shoot and charge as normal next turn and may react to an opponent’s charge.
Jabberwock 240pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Jabberwock 8 4 4 5 6 5 3 4 9 Mo
Special rules:
Large target
Subject to stupidity unless fighting at night
Woldlouse 125pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type
Woldlouse 4 3 0 7 7 5 3 1 7 Mo
Special rules:
Marsh Strider
Curls Up (See Bestiary)
Slave Cart
Fimir slave carts are built along similar lines to marsh chariots but are much larger and each has room for about thirty slaves, packed in tightly of course. These are used to herd captives into during a Fimir raid for transport back to the fortress. They are also used to bring slave warriors into battle. Due to the weight of a full load these carts are invariably pulled by fully-grown Woldlice and they are crewed by a small team of Fimir, whose job is to watch the slaves as well as guide the cart.
Slave carts ignore long grass and marsh-type difficult terrain since their scythes and wheel/ski design clears a path and stables them on swampy ground.

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