Oh, and something else similar, the Equipment and settlement lists mention being Cursed!- Here's what it means:
Cursed!: A Cursed player does not heal Mind points between games, never discovers treasure, traps or secret doors whilst searching and must reroll all successful attack dice until the Curse is removed.
Each player begins with D6+4 Spirit Points (rolls of 1 or 2 may reroll). If a player (for any reason) drops below 5 Spirit Points they become fallen and may only trade and heal in Evil or neutral settlements. Spirit Points may not be regained by healing. Under certain circumstances a player may become Marked. When this happens instead of removing Spirit Points they are flipped upside down (note- we use counters to mark body, mind and spirit points). If all the markers are ‘Tainted’ the hero becomes a Spawn of Chaos. The character’s features and personality adjust with the taint, so a character whose tainted markers take him below 5 Spirit Points will count as fallen, however tainted markers may be flipped back by special means.
Chaos Taints
To find the effect of acquiring Taint points add up the
number of remaining untainted Spirit
Points to find the ‘purity level’ and
consult the following table. If a Chaos Reward is due and no Mark of Chaos has
previously been generated then this must be rolled for before deciding on the
Chaos Reward.
Purity level Effect
One subtle mutation
One subtle mutation
One subtle mutation
One obvious mutation
One obvious mutation
4 + One Mark of Chaos +
one subtle mutation
One Chaos Reward
2 + One subtle mutation
+ One Chaos Reward
Chaos Spawn
Subtle Mutations (2D6) Subtle
mutations are undetectable by others.
2 Atrophied
character only rolls 1D6 for movement
3 Dulled
spaces up to 5 squares away are visible to the character
4 Misshapen
character loses 1 Body point from exertion each time they fight a round of combat or move over 8
5 Voices
character hears strange prompting from the Warp, but other than that nothing happens
6 Acute
character has the Farsight skill
7 Acute
character has the Attentive skill
8 Acute
character has the Foescent skill
9 Powerful
+3 to the character’s movement rolls
10 Warpsense
character can feel movements in the warp, chaotic monsters and tainted adventurers are
placed on the board when the character
is within 10 spaces of their location
11 Springheels
of rolling to move the character can make a basic ‘spring’ of 7 spaces, ignoring any traps on
the intervening spaces
12 Burning
and adventurers are unnerved by the character’s glare. One opponent in close combat rolls 1 less combat die
in attack, any opponents
after the first attack normally
Mutations (2D6) Obvious mutations
cause revulsion in untainted individuals. A character with at least 1 obvious
mutation may not trade at neutral settlements.
2 Extra
Reduce the character’s attack dice by 1 as their extra digits cause them to fumble
Reduce the character’s attack dice by 1 as their extra digits cause them to fumble
3 Forked
character has difficulty communicating, they may not trade at settlements but other
adventurers may trade for them if they wish
4 Tentacle
character may not wear helmets
5 Four
character’s range of vision is increased but it has little or no effect in most
6 Massively
character may not wear armour
7 Spines
character makes an extra attack using 1 combat die on each model which attacks him in close
8 Scaly
character rolls an extra combat die in defence
9 Very
character adds 2 to their movement roll but rolls 2 less combat dice fighting through doorways
10 Scorpion
character makes an extra attack with one combat die against any model in base contact after
each round of combat
11 Tentacles
character can wield three single-handed weapons or one double and one single-handed weapon at
a time, gaining the bonuses from all
12 Wings
character’s tough, leathery wings make movement in tight passages
difficult, no adventurers may move through the character’s space
and the character himself deducts 3 from his movement rolls, to
a minimum of 1. However the wings provide excellent protection, only
models in front of the character (either directly or diagonally) may
attack him (provided they could normally do so).
Mark of
Chaos (1D6) A
character with a Mark of Chaos may not remove tainted Spirit points beyond the
Mark (ie, they will always have at least 5 tainted Spirit points). If a Chaos
Undivided Mark is rolled the character may choose Chaos Rewards from any of the
four Chaos gods. For a wizard add 1 to the value rolled, for a dwarf subtract 1
1 No
2 Mark of Nurgle
3 Mark
of Khorne
4 Mark
of Slaanesh
5 Mark
of Tzeentch
6 Chaos
Chaos Rewards Characters
roll Chaos Rewards according to their Mark.
Khorne Rewards
1 Bloodthirst
character needs to taste blood in order to sustain himself. At the end of each turn in which
the character has not inflicted wounds in
combat he must lose one Body point
2 Rage
The character is
driven by an insatiable desire for slaughter. If a character can
see an enemy model at the start of the turn he must try to enter
combat with it
3 Might
force of the character’s attack is brutal. Each time he wounds an enemy in close combat he does an
additional Body point of damage (in
total, not one per wound) which may be saved as usual
4 Horns
he charges into combat the character lowers his fearsome horns, roll 1 combat die to see if a
Body point is inflicted (may be saved as normal).
This attack is in addition to any usual attacks
5 Bellow
From his
bestial throat the character sounds a terrifying, guttural roar. Instead of
attacking, searching or casting a spell once per game
character may let out a bellow. All models in the same room or
must roll a combat die, if they roll a black shield they must
miss their
next turn. Models may still defend if
6 Breathe
per game, instead of moving and searching, attacking or casting a spell, the character
may make an attack on a model within sight
as if casting a fireball spell
Nurgle Rewards
1 Wither
character’s limbs shrivels until they are wire-thin. Roll 1D6 each time a wound is inflicted upon
them. On a roll of a 1 they break a limb,
beginning with the left arm, then the right, then a leg. For each arm
broken the character loses half their attack dice, for each leg broken
they lose half their movement dice
2 Pustules
The character breaks
out in noxious purple pustules. Each time they take a Body point of damage a
pustule explodes, spraying the opponent
with corrosive slime. This inflicts one Body point of damage
and may be saved in the usual way
3 Resist
character feels no pain, however they still lose Body points in the usual way. Because they are
unaware of how serious their injuries
are they might fight on beyond the point where they would usually
die. If the character ends the turn with no Body points remaining
roll 1D6, on a roll of a 1 they die. Each Body point sustained
beyond this point decreases their roll by 1, so a character which has sustained 3 Body
points since they would have died expires
on a roll of 1-4
4 Fetid
character’s halitosis is horrendous. Other adventurers which are not marked by Nurgle will not
come within 5 spaces of the character
5 Maggot
of the character’s insides have putrefied and their body is full of maggots. For each Body point
they sustain they must roll one combat
die, on a roll of a black shield they sustain an extra Body point
of damage.
6 Nurgling
character is accompanied by a cluster of nurglings which feed off the horrible gunk which
drips from the character’s orfices. These nurglings
attack alongside the character, adding one combat die in attack
and defence, and will also search, allowing the character to search
for both traps and treasure in a single turn
Tzeentch Rewards
1 Stormwalker
character is blinded to the real world, seeing only the energies of the warp swirling around
them. Models are placed on the board when
the character comes within 5 spaces of them (10 for magic users)
but they cannot see doors, furniture or traps and may not search.
They may move as normal through doors opened by other players
2 Bird head
Tzeentch bestows a
beaked head upon the character
3 Channel
energies of the warp stream through the character, whether he wants them to or not. Each turn
draw a spell at random from any player
or the unused spell deck. That spell must be cast upon any possible
targets, the spell is then returned to its holder
4 Steal
the character can see a spell user he may pick a spell card at random from those held by
that player. He may keep and use these
spells as a normal spell user, whether he is normally able to or not
The raw power of the warp
screams up from the character’s lungs in a terrifying avian screech. Instead of
attacking, searching or casting a spell, once per game the character may let
out a screech. All models in the same room or corridor must roll a combat die,
if they roll a black shield they must miss their next turn. Models may still
defend if attacked
6 Familiar
A strange beast of
indeterminate shape accompanies the character on their quests. The familiar is
a separate model with Body 3, Mind 5. It attacks and defends with 1 combat die
and moves the same number of spaces as the character. Any spells the character
can cast may be cast by the familiar instead if you wish.
Slaanesh Rewards
1 Crab
The character’s hand are
replaced by chitinous crustacean claws. They have a base attack and defend of 5
combat dice and may not use other weapons or shields.
2 Long tongue
The character’s tongue grows
to unnerving length, tipped with a slight fork. The character has difficulty
communicating with others.
3 Crave
The character is possessed by
a yearning for the pleasure of agony. Each time they may enter into combat they
must do so and roll 1 die less in defence.
4 Sweet
A seductive aroma spreads
from the character, dulling the senses of those around them. All attacks (from
players and monsters) are at -1 combat die in the same room or corridor as the
character. In addition, other than the character himself, players’ searches
fail automatically in the same room or corridor as the character as their
perception is clouded.
5 Allure
A powerful magnetic pull
emanates from the character. All non-player models which have line of sight to
the character will move towards him unless in combat. Any models which reach
the character may not attack until next turn.
6 Relish
The character has an
unhealthy craving for pain. Each turn the character is in combat with an
opponent they will allow the attacker to inflict one Body point of damage
automatically on them. Fortunately the character is also able to heal himself,
at the start of each turn roll 1d6, on a roll of a 6 they regain one lost Body
Chaos Spawns
When a character reaches 0 untainted Spirit Points they
become a Chaos Spawn. Their mindless, aberrant bodies are thrown into convulsions as mutations vie for supremacy, contorting
the adventurer into horrific and ever-shifting shapes. The character counts as
dead for game purposes.