I didn't get a lot of Goblinoid painting done this weekend, I have some bits to paint for a show display so the Combat Cards got a bit sidelined. I did, however, manage to finish what may be my favourite model from the set, Uglug Handbiter. This is exactly what an orc should look like- tribal headdress, ring through nose and a ridiculous weapon.
Lookin at the right knee of the model on the card he appears to have some silky trousers on, my model, however, has an armoured plate on that knee. I tried to paint it with the highlights in the same place but was wondering throughout whether this was another case of greenskin variants. On Sunday, though, I made a bit of an error. All the other models I've photographed before varnishing them. My plan was to varnish in my usual way- heavy gloss lacquer then light spray of army painter matt, but once I'd given them a glossy coat I decided it made them look so nice and old-school I would leave them shiny. Hence I had a shiny Uglug to try and photograph, which is trickier than I would like. Will have to do a proper setup when they're all done and get decent shots. Anyhow, if you look closely at the knee you will see that the metal plate is barely visible, it has blended into the fabric. Maybe there isn't a variant after all, just a trick of the photography...