Welcome to the old school miniature wargaming/roleplay hobby blog of Geoff (AKA Fimm McCool) from Oakbound Studio. I hope you enjoy your visit.
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Thursday, 24 December 2020
2020, 'tis an ill wind!

Friday, 11 December 2020
Bucky O'Hare issue 20...
Well, that's it. All the way through the UK comic series Bucky O'Hare. Wait, I hear you cry, where's issue 20? How does it finish? Well I am afraid I have yet to be able to obtain a copy. It's about a year on from when I treated myself to this batch and another has just appeared on that evil online auction site, including the elusive issue 20. I shall be bidding, but I won't be paying the amount for a full set just for one issue, so if anyone has access to one and is happy to donate it or a pdf scan to complete the series please let me know.
Hope you've enjoyed them, I've certainly enjoying reading back through them again. It has brought all kinds of ideas to mind,,, watch this space for more news! Happy Christmas all.

Bucky O'Hare issue 20...
Friday, 27 November 2020
Friday, 13 November 2020
Saturday, 31 October 2020
The terrifying tyrants from the tor!
It was a dark and stormy night and the captain said to the mate "Tell us a story". So the mate began, "Look what Oakbound Studio have just released..."
Yes, it's time for another Oakbound Kickstarter and since it's halloween we've picked the scariest thing we can think of, a country in the grip of a mob of ruthless, self-centred, arrogant and incompetent villains.
For one week only these old-school, slightly satirical lead ogres/trolls/spriggans are available in our KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN. Hopefully they'll be suitable adversaries for many a fantasy wargame/RPG (including, of course, The Woods. Keep an eye out for their warband list in the forthcoming supplement "Mythic Cycles").

The terrifying tyrants from the tor!
Friday, 30 October 2020
Fimm McCool's