This month's submission for the Tale of Fourth Gamers feels like it's been super-productive, but I think that's because the number of goblins is actually (comparatively) small. Only just over 30 whereas in previous months I have been averaging 55. Squigs are relatively quick to paint and the bolt throwers (Foundry and Knightmare respectively) were actually much faster and less of a chore to do than I had been expecting. Mostly washes and a bit of choice highlighting.

These are my final fanatics. End of an era finishing painting these guys. I saved this trio for last as they're my favourites. All three of them I have painted before, the one on the left I stripped and repainted but the centre and right are duplicates for the army as my first painting attempts of them were Gruk the Loon from the Combat Cards set and Angus McHammer from the first ever Golden Gobbo competition.
Three more, two from a same era and a more modern addition to make up the numbers. The guy on the left I had to replace his right leg as he'd obviously been spinning too vigorously.
I'd also been holding off on the Squig Herd as a reward for nearly finishing the army, things to drive me forwards... like a herd of squigs!
This pair of herders are from the Goblin Hood range (now with CP models? Bought from Macrocosm). This is clearly their intended purpose but as with the others I shortened their legs and puttied in robes to make them fit a bit better height wise.
I got a bunch of the RT squiggly beasts for my snotlings years ago but decided they'd be better in amongst the herd. Adding variation and flavour to the bases.
There are a couple of the newer squigs in here too, again for variation.
The little red bouncing bugger in the middle here I can't help feel is another hidden Trap Door reference. If it had tiny little wings it would look just like the 'Nasty Thing' that makes Berk huge, Drutt change colour and gives Boney a body. I was tempted to paint him purple in reference but that would have looked a bit weird. Maybe I'll get another one someday and do it.
I have recently obtained one of the squig hopper variants massing from my set so he bounded in among the herd. Better late than never.

The bulk of the actual goblins this month have been these armoured common goblins. They have to be common goblins because night goblins can't have armour apparently.
Most of the figures are the Heartbreaker Kev Adams range but there are a few others tucked away in here. Like the Blood Bowl gobbo (equipped with sword and shield) on the right. I don't know if it's intentional but the guy on the left looks just like a goblin version of the 3rd edition rulebook's Hammer-wielding warrior, so I painted him accordingly.
The right-hand goblin is a Harlequin/BTD nightling, just to show that the unit is night goblins really, they're wearing their robes under the mail!
An older goblin with a hood is also lurking in the front rank, whilst a brand-spanking-new Knightmare leads the unit.
The shields for this unit are all based on an illustration in Warhammer Armies. Here are some of the ones that can't be seen in the above photos.Only 55 more goblins to paint!