Mr Chico from
Oldhammer on a budget (yes, he of goat fame) sent me one of these things.
Ah, the virtual chain letter! So 11 truths, 11 questions and 11 nominations. Here goes...
11 Truths:
1) I live in a small, shared house I am slowly dominating with my junk.
2) Between my girlfriend and I we exist on about half the average UK wage (artists eh? :) ).
3) I am mid-theology degree and training to be a Baptist Minister.
4) I take my tea black.
5) I resisted gothic tendencies until my early twenties when I discovered The Mission, Fields of the Nephilim and the Sisters of Mercy (before then the goths I knew listened to Slipknot and Korn)
6) Costumes I've made have won both first and second prizes at the Victorian Steampunk Society's Asylum.
7) I currently have an alien head in its mould, a sculpt for an alien egg and a wolf's head on my workbench, all 1:1 scale.
8) I work as a technician in a school, have two freelance businesses and am a director of a community interest company.
9) I almost never complete projects I do for myself.
10) I love playing the guitar but haven't picked one up for over a year now.
11) I was an extra on the set of Billy Elliott as a kid.
11 Questions:
1. How long have you been in this wonderful (Read: geeky) hobby?
I got a copy of Heroquest for my 7th birthday and never looked back. Well, except for the time in my late teens when I decided I'd grown up, gave everything away and then had to buy everything back at stupid prices when I realised I hadn't actually grown up!
2. Relating to the hobby what have you daydreamed about most?
Having a beautiful, intricate olde worlde game board and a completed army painted to Golden Demon standards, and I mean 88-91 standard GD.
3. Out of every game system which gets you most excited?
Still love the dungeon crawl, but Necromunda is currently my favourite. It was just being launched as I was getting into the hobby proper (WD 190 was the first one I bought) and has always had a draw for me.
4. How much do you love me?
Proportionately to the amount of goat pictures you post.
5. Favourite White Dwarf number?
102. Although it's currently on loan to a friend who's moving house, NOOOOOO! It will be lost in boxes forever!!!!! Dark future and Fimir, what's not to love? :) And there are some beautiful Eavy Metal pages, featuring some of Kev Adam's orc conversions from the Goblinoids combat cards deck, great to see them from different angles.
6. Are you going to the Oldhammer Weekend?
No, sadly the option to hold it over the west side of the country was vetoed.
7. Favourite adult beverage?
Ales, red and dark.
8. Have you been to Warhammer World
9. What do you love about Oldhammer/Retro Gaming?
The emphasis on story over success (never had much of a head for strategy) and the DIY attitude as an antidote to GW's current BIFU (buy it from us) agenda.
10. How much have you sepnt on your hobby in the last 5 years?
I haven't sepnt anything. But spent? Well, too much, though I try to spend as little as possible and use a bit of creativity to get around it. I probably spend more on scenic materials, paint, casting materials, putty and brushes than on minis.
11. Why do you read my Blog, Oldhammer on a Budget?
It pops up in my blog feed... oh, and sometimes there are some nice miniatures. Actually, quite often there are nice miniatures, just a shame the pictures don't show them off. :)
OK, that's me done. I'll do other questions and nominations in a bit.

The Liebster cometh